Noticia prueba en español

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar. Traducido al español

Bionic reading: Tech that’s changing the way we read

The human brain is an amazing thing, capable of reading over 900 words per minute. But read that sentence again and you might find you’ve missed a key understanding. Confused? I’ll give you a hint – it’s about the word ‘capable.’ Our brains may well be ‘capable’ of reading at 900 words a minute, but […]

Your guide to exploratory testing

Last year, I discovered that many of my software development teammates were unsure about exploratory testing – what’s involved in it and how to perform it. To help them understand its value, I developed some training materials that explained the concept more clearly and, after sharing this training internally in the company, I decided to […]

Bio-inspired algorithms: Darwinism and artificial intelligence

As a definition of ‘intelligence’ in a computer programming context, AI can be a controversial topic. In 1950, Alan Turing presented a way to evaluate ‘intelligence’ with his ground-breaking Turing Test. Originally named the ‘Imitation Game,’ the Turing Test is a deceptively simple method of determining whether a machine can demonstrate human intelligence, i.e., if […]

All about Elasticsearch updates

Pedro is a Database Architect at The Workshop. As the  ounder and current leader of the User Group Malaga Databases, Pedro loves learning about technology and exploring his passion for databases. In this article, he provides some pointers on how to manage Elasticsearch upgrades. If you are working with Elasticsearch, you have probably realised that […]

Threat Modeling in Engineering practice

While working on the Product Development team, I never once heard about Threat Modeling. Then a couple of months after I joined the Application Security team, a colleague introduced me to the term — which I mistakenly pronounced “Thread Modeling” after years of dealing with the Java Concurrency model. Threat Modeling itself is intriguing and […]

The importance of user perspective

User perspective is an actual trend for focusing on our end users’ point of view, as they are the people for whom our software is designed. This behaviour-driven development is a way of improving the legibility and testing of our code and, therefore, the communication between different roles involved in software development. User perspective ultimately […]

5 Data Privacy Tips for Individuals and Businesses

What is Data Privacy Day? On 26th April 2006, the Committee Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to launch Data Privacy Day, to be celebrated each year on 28th January. Why 28th January? This date corresponds to the signing anniversary of the Council of Europe’s Convention 108 in 1981, otherwise known as the “convention […]

Quick start with Security Requirements

In the Application Security team, at The Workshop, we perform many interesting activities. One of these is conducting Security Assessments for existing projects and defining Security Requirements for new features. In this post, I will share our approach and guidelines that can help you to address Security aspects in your product, without having to involve […]

An Engineer’s View of AppSec

My name is Alina and I am part of the AppSec team here at The Workshop. In this post, I will share my AppSec experience and how it fits into the skillset of a modern software engineer. All my professional life I have been an engineer. Over 16 years, I have worked in three companies, […]

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