4 soft skills every artist should know

I was five when I discovered what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. At the time I didn’t realise that I’d found my passion. All I knew was that I loved combining shapes and colours, translating my imagination into drawings. I could spend hours in my room with a pencil and a […]
Making your product speak: The wonders of UX writing

“Writing is about fitting words together. Designing is about solving problems for your users.”Writing is Designing, Michael J. Metts If writing is about fitting words together and designing is about solving problems for users, UX Writing is about helping users accomplish their goals when they use a product by writing copy that will guide them […]
How we hosted our first remote Designathon event

2020 was a year of challenges and changes, to say the least. To add to our list, we set ourselves the task of hosting a fully remote collaborative event. The design team had no experience in this area. But after this year, we’re used to doing things we haven’t done before, right? Designathon: What on […]
Design that speaks code. A guide for developer-friendly UI Design

Design handoff stage is an integral part of any project. This moment comes when UI (specs and assets) is to be handed over to the developers. Name it how you want it: slicing, engineering handoff, design handoff, developer handoff, design-to-dev or simply design-to-code. How many times have you seen designers complaining about front-end teams not […]
Looks aren’t everything. Or are they?

If we have to agree on whether looks matter or not, most people will say ‘yes’. The physical appearance of anything that is in front of us, including people, places, objects or any type of product, says a myriad of things about them. And we, as watchers, create opinions in just a blink. According to […]
Designing for errors. How to avoid frustrating experiences

It is relatively easy to design for ideal scenarios where people use devices and systems as intended and everything goes well. The real challenge comes when users get into trouble. Errors happen. This is a fact we have to embrace, and it is our responsibility to design products and services that prevent and handle problems […]
The value of white space in design

‘Empty space has more energy than everything we know.’ This statement relates to quantum physics, more precisely to all matter in the observable universe. But, I would argue this hypothesis applies to other fields of human interest too, like Interface Design. The role of white space White space in design is often called negative space […]
Finding Inspiration in Interface Design

Inspiration is an elusive beast. The more you chase her, the faster she runs. The trick to getting her closer is to avoid hunting her down. Instead, give her space and let her come to you when she is ready. As a UI designer, I know that this can be tricky. We have deadlines to […]
Creating a Navigation Your Users Will Love

Navigation is the backbone of all software, website and app designs. It holds your product together and allows your users to get to where they need to go and do what they need to do. When done correctly, it’s an imperceptible aspect of design that no one will think about or comment on. When done […]